Mer Tales’ Messages from the Tide Pool
By the Wind
By Gina Lemieux
Spring is here again, bringing thousands upon thousands of jellyfish-like creatures to the west coast shoreline. Known commonly as the by-the-wind sailor (or Velella velella for the biologists), this translucent and purplish-blue animal spends most of its life afloat on the surface of the 'high seas' such as the Pacific Ocean. What is amazing is that instead of being completely at the mercy of the ocean currents and winds, the by-the-wind sailor actually has a sail set diagonally along its surface that essentially dictates the direction it is going and ultimately the shore it may end up on (those that wash up on the Pacific west coast shores typically have their sails directed in a northwest to southeast direction).
Gifts from the Sea
By Gina Lemieux
The other day when I was at the ocean during high tide, the invisible nature of what was beneath the surface made an impression on me. Six hours later I returned when the tide had receded; there were all sorts of wonderful things to observe; beautiful stones, shells, hermit crabs, bright green sea anemones, eelgrass mixed with brilliant red algae and so much more. In another six hours, the tide would return and blanket all these gifts from the sea.
Calm & Chaos
By Gina Lemieux
The ocean is simply magical. It also commands great respect. I have been on calm seas that have turned quickly into turbulent chaos, with waves crashing onto shore with such powerful force, and then only hours later it has returned to a gentler sea.