Dancing at the Edge
By Gina Lemieux
When the tide is out and the myriad of sea life is exposed in the intertidal zone, it is quite remarkable to see how all this intertidal life has adapted to the variable and sometimes very harsh conditions that occur during this low tide period: from increased vulnerability to predators, to the drying, scorching heat of the sun or cold, biting wind, rain or snow. Only those species with a specific degree of tolerance, or ability to cope with the changing conditions, will be found here in the intertidal zone.
It led me to question my own adaptability, ability to cope, tolerance levels, and vulnerabilities. I could see that my past experiences paired with my current thoughts, feelings and emotions all were factors in defining my range of adaptability and tolerance, which expands and contracts like the seasons; there is an ebb and flow to it like the tide. There is a healthy aspect of this, but sometimes there is the aspect of just plain slipping into default mode. Where am I contracting unconsciously? Getting irritated by trivial inconveniences? Becoming small because I don’t feel strong, powerful or courageous enough to take on a new challenge. Where am I expanding beyond healthy boundaries? Am I unconsciously saying “yes” to everything before checking in with myself to really know if it is something I want or need to do? Where am I willing to be vulnerable and push my edge or limits for beneficial growth?

I move into this day with an awakened awareness of my range of adaptability and tolerance, seeing how I can breathe new life into it, dancing at my edges for healthy, beneficial growth and expansion. Will you join me in this curious exploration? I’d love to hear what you discover.